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Автор: Мария Мира Христова
В този епизод питаме студенти и университетски преподаватели доколко младите днес се доверяват на политиците за промяна в името на по-добро бъдеще; биха ли участвали в политиката и какви са начините; как културата и образованието са свързани с успеха на Зелената сделка и какъв е достъпът на способните до политиката.
Сюжетът дава възможност за избор на опции от главното меню, а отговорите на участниците очертават необходимостта от промяна в образованието, посочват специфичен недостиг в екологична култура и дистанцират политиците като фактор поради липса на комуникация с младите.
Участват студенти в магистърски програми на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“: Християна Славова - Английска филология, Калин Стоев - Новогръцка филология, Мария-Антоанета Вангелова - История и геополитика на Балканите, Ангела Поповска – Балканистика, както и Вълчан Вълчанов - преподавател по френски език в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ и създател на студентска вокална група „Лингвакорд" към Факултета по Класически и нови филологии.
The Youth are the Key
Author: Maria Mira Hristova
In this podcast we ask students and a professor from the Sofia University, whether the young people trust politicians to make change happen, whether they would go into politics to make things move for a better future, how culture and education are linked to the success of the Green Deal and what or who they would turn to instead.
The story allows a choice of options from the main menu, and the answers of the participants are about the reforms in educational system, they point out a specific lack of environmental culture, and ignore the politicians as a factor for change due to the lack of communication.
Despite the situation, young people remain concerned about the world into which the next generation will be born, which will continue to deteriorate. They are basically ready to bite into this sour apple and direct all social action to build a more solidary and fair way for society to operate for all generations.
Many young people do not trust politicians at all, because they do not see a change, says Hristiana Slavova. Many politicians want change, but they are pushing it from the top down. Change could be achieved, when talking about the Green Deal, even the political and social part of our lives, only from the bottom up. This is the possibility for growth of a new generation of voters and figures in a society that will move it. Not politics, but society drives our lives.
For some young people elections are still an important ritual, but they are much more active during the days between elections, as well as when it comes to the power of participation. As per Kalin Stoev, everyone should use their right to vote. At the same time, young people need a quick change and are too impatient, says Angela Popovska. The youth are not biased, i.e they are dynamic in their personal growth, and it is easier for them to unite and build the new generation.
According to the experts, this process of individualization does not mean the young people do not care about society, but it means that they will be able to express support for an individual idea, individual problem and so on in an individual way.
Participants: Master`s students at the Sofia University: Hristiana Slavova, English Philology; Kalin Stoev, Modern Greek Philology; Maria-Antoaneta Vangelova, History and Geopolitics of the Balkans; Angela Popovska, Balkan Studies; Valchan Valchanov, Professor of French at the Sofia University and Founder of the group of vocal music "Lingvacord" at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology.
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