Автор: Доротея Николова
Отвъд идеята за „Ганковото кафене”, с която сме отраснали, медиите у нас и по света често се превръщат в последна инстанция за сигнализиране и дори решаване на проблеми.
Новите млади обаче, от т.нар. поколение Z, за които технологиите са неизменен елемент от битието им още от раждането, имат и своите предпочитани нови медии. За тях всичко е онлайн. Медиите също.
Generation Z and digital native media
Author: Doroteya Nikolova
The new young, from the so-called Generation Z, for whom technology has been an integral part of their lives since birth, also have their preferred new media. For them, everything is online. The media too.
Although consuming information from media through bots, social media and platforms, Gen Z members rarely rely on traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television because everything is online. And they are used to "using new things".
Kalina Tsoneva, age 15, Varna
Krasimira Docheva, age 17, Varna
Maria Tileva, age 17, Varna
Miroslav Minchev, age 17, Varna
Maria Hristova, Sofia
Kristian Yulzari, Ruse
Justin Toms, PhD, digital expert - New Bulgarian University
Tanja Oblak Črnič, PhD – Faculty of social sciences, Ljubljana – Slovenia