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Автор: Катя Василева
Климатичните промени са фактор за промяна на бизнеса, професиите, работните места, уменията, отговорностите.
„ЕЅG нe ca пpocтo любимитe тpи бyĸви нa мeниджъpитe пo цeлия cвят пpeз пocлeднитe гoдини. He e и cмoĸинoв лиcт, зaд ĸoйтo гoлeмитe ĸoмпaнии дa ĸpият дoceгaшнитe cи бeзoтгoвopни ĸъм плaнeтaтa ĸopпopaтивни пpaĸтиĸи и дa твъpдят, чe ca ce пpoмeнили. Eĸoлoгичнoтo, coциaлнo и ĸopпopaтивнo yпpaвлeниe e нoв нaчин нa пpaвeнe нa бизнec. Той щe дoнece пoвeчe пpoмeни, oтĸoлĸoтo АІ и дигитaлизaциятa“, ĸaтeгopичeн e eĸcпepтът пo ycтoйчивo paзвитиe Чeли Лoйд.
Какви са процесите, които наблюдаваме по отношение на ESG, бизнеса, работните места уменията?
Участници в подкаста:
🟢 Доц. д-р Марина Стефанова - ръководител на магистърската програма „Отговорно и устойчиво управление“ и ЕSG Академия в Стопанския факултет на СУ Св. Климент Охридски“, председател на Асоциацията на специалистите по устойчивост
🟢 Добромира Манасиева – член на УС на Българската асоциация за управление на хора, професионалист с дългогодишен опит в стратегическото управление на човешките ресурси
🟢 Каталин Хернер - изпълнителен директор на асоциация KÖVET в Унгария (фрийленс продукция от Унгария)
🟢 Грета Груоуде - ръководител на отдел „Управление“ във Vilniaus Kolegija, Литва (продукция на Ziniu Radio)
Title: Skills, jobs and climate. The future of jobs and job opportunities
Author: Katya Vasileva
Climate change is driving change in businesses, occupations, jobs, skills, responsibilities.
"Up until last year there was a boom in demand for finance professionals who can assess risk with themes in ecology, colleagues who can invest our own money. Now there is a huge boom in demand for lawyers because they write the new policies, and auditors so they can audit the information that will be disclosed from next year.
What we expect in two to three to five years ahead are people with product design, technical specialties in water, sanitation, air, energy - everything that can create the new solution, for which there will already be money and a procedure on how to invest this money in a legal and smart way," says Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Stefanova - Head of the Master's Program "Responsible and Sustainable Management" and ESG Academy at the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University. She is also the President of the Association of Sustainability Professionals.
According to Dobromira Manasieva - a member of the Board of the Bulgarian Association for People Management, a professional with many years of experience in strategic human resource management, very strong skills are needed in the direction of influence, that this is an important topic and it should be adopted so that companies can realize the impact that these indicators and the focus on them can have on the company's revenue and success.
"Re-skilling is one of the paths we take to get to these kinds of specialists. The other is education," Dobromira Manasieva notes.
Katalin Herner, CEO of the KÖVET association in Hungary, is confident that there will be an increasing demand for specialists in the field of environmental sustainability.
Greta Gruode, Head of Management at Vilniaus Kolegija, Lithuania, notes that more than 30 million jobs are expected to be in the field of environmental sustainability by 2030. The need for specialists in management processes will also grow, she says.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Stefanova - Head of the Master's Program "Responsible and Sustainable Management" and ESG Academy at the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University, President of the Association of Sustainability Professionals
Dobromira Manasieva, a member of the Board of the Bulgarian Association for People Management
Katalin Herner, CEO of the KÖVET association in Hungary (Hungarian Freelance Production)
Greta Gruode, Head of Management at Vilniaus Kolegija, Lithuania (production of Ziniu Radio)
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